The Actor's Instinct &
The Art of Communication
The following information is VERY powerful and it is the new operating basis for "The Actor's Instinct & The Art of Communication".
I've been conducting an extensive survey this year of the successful actions of actor's who work and I've boiled it down to 3 THINGS. If you can define these, you will have a proven platform for success...the SECRET is to define these things and then do them FAST. Speed will determine the impact. You could be working in a matter of days- I'm serious folks. I know because I'm doing this and i'm working right now as are my students who follow this...
I've also outlined some new guidelines and policies that will change your work and your life. I've taken this directly from one of my mentors Milton Katselas:
"What is your viewpoint of this business? What is the viewpoint of those around you about you in this business?
Many actors deal in daily fashion with rampant negativity about their profession, from within the business, as well as from their friends, associates, and family. If your agent has ever said, “We can’t get you in,” if you have ever said to yourself, “My agent isn’t cutting it,” or “If only I could get a better agent,” or “I’ll never be able to get an agent,” if your family has ever asked, “How long are you giving this acting thing?”, or if you have said or heard any of the million-and-one variations on blame, doubt, suppression, or actor-as-victim, then what this class has to offer you in handling Attitude is for you.
Attitude is a state of mind. The Actor's Instinct wants to train actors who know how to keep an even keel, who know how to right the ship even in stormy seas. A career is a long-term journey, and your attitude will play a huge part in how that journey plays out.
What are you doing to get professional work? In what work are you interested – TV, Film, Theatre, and what kind? What parts are you right for, really? What is your relationship with the industry professionals who can help you? What are you doing to create your own projects?
"The Actor's Instinct" is very interested in these questions, and your answer to them. Each actor has a specific dream that led them into this profession, and we try to get each student to identify this dream specifically, so their career administration has a focus, an energy, and a purpose. If sending out endless headshots, postcards, or other promotion has seemed a fruitless exercise, if you have never really thought specifically about how to get this acting career moving, or if you are a working actor who is looking to change the nature of the parts you are booking, then the this approach to Administration will help."
I've been fortunate enough to experience the joy of doing great work, getting paid to do what I love and receiving the acknowledgement of the industry and I want that for each and every one of you in your lives...IT IS POSSIBLE.
Marlon Brando said, "you act for your life"...regardless of what your aim is in life, you will need to be focused and these skills will help you in all of your interactions. The emotional drills we do are not just for your characters, they are so you can assess the people around you in your environment and be able to stay proactive over 99% of your encounters. This will give you and advantage.